Dr. Tiyamike Banda

Dr. Tiyamike Banda


Mechanical Engineering

11 publications

Tiyamike Banda, a lecturer at Malawi University of Business and Applied Sciences (MUBAS), attained his Ph.D. and MSc in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Nottingham. At the core of Banda's scholarly endeavors lies his profound research focus on the design and modeling of intelligent manu...

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Investigation of Tool Wear Mechanisms in Face Milling of Inconel 718 with Different Cutting Fluids

Book Chapter
Published 11 months ago, 337 views
Dr. Tiyamike Banda
Dr. Tiyamike Banda
Inconel 718 is a hard-to-machine nickel-based alloy used for aerospace component manufacturing. The machining of Inconel 718 causes severe tool failure due to the heat generated by high friction forces. Therefore, cutting tool performance can be optimized by using a suitable cutting fluid. This paper compares the effects of synthetic and oil-based cutting fluids on wear mechanisms and failure modes of the PVD-TiAlN/NbN coated inserts during face milling of Inconel 718. Face milling was conducted by varying cutting speed at constant feed rate, axial and radial depth of cut. Flank wear (VB) was measured before the inserts were examined in SEM and EDX for tool wear mechanisms characterisation. Chipping, built-up edge (BUE) and severe notching were the most dominant failure modes observed in all cutting conditions. Pitting, galling and coat delamination associated with chipping and minor BUE were observed at low cutting speed. At high speed, progressive nose notching was the main cause of tool failure. At low cutting speed, dry cutting produced the longest tool life followed by oil-based and synthetic cutting fluids. At higher cutting speed, synthetic fluid had the longest tool life followed by oil-based cutting fluid and dry cutting. This research provides an insight on the influence of cutting speed to the choice of cutting fluids during machining so that tool wear can be minimized.
Year of Publication
Abdul Sani, A.S., et al.
Book Title
Enabling Industry 4.0 through Advances in Manufacturing and Materials. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering
Page Number
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