Dr. Rex Mbewe

Dr. Rex Mbewe


Physics & Biochemical Sciences

16 publications

Rex Mbewe is a Lecturer at Malawi University of Business and Applied Sciences formerly University of Malawi, the Polytechnic. He received his bachelor’s degree in Education Science Majoring in Biology (Chemistry Minor) and a Master of Science degree in Environmental Science from University of Malawi...

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Effect of stratification on Black-fly population following application of BacillusThuringiensis Israelensis (BTI) on Domasi river in Zomba

Journal Article
Published 2 years ago, 410 views
Dr. Rex Mbewe
Dr. Rex Mbewe
Zomba District in southern Malawi was reported to have been infested with black-fly in 2006. By the year 2007,the Ministry of Health (MoH) had initiated a larviciding program using Bacillus thuringiensis Israelensis (Bti) tomitigate the effects of black-fly bites. The study aimed at assessing the impact of stratification on black-flythrough monitoring of adult and larvae fly populations following Bit application. The Domasi River was dividedinto three strata and data on the population of black-fly was collected before and after Bit application. Larvamonitoring was done using four different substrate types: nylon strips, rocks, debri and boards on upper andlower sections of the river. Adult monitoring was carried out by human landing catches. All samples collectedwere preserved in 75% alcohol as voucher specimen. It was concluded that stratification of the river did not have statistically significant effect on the impact of Bti on black-fly populations.
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International Journal of Applied Science and Technology
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