Dr. Flemmings Ngwira

Dr. Flemmings Ngwira


Language & Communication Studies

10 publications

Flemmings Ngwira is a Senior Lecturer at Malawi University of Business and Applied Sciences (MUBAS) and the current Head of the Academic Department; Language and Communication. He holds a PhD in Applied Psychology (Health Communication) and besides teaching and doing consultancies, he supervises and...

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A study of intentional insincerity in Malawian criminal justice

Book Chapter
Published 2 years ago, 704 views
Wellman Kondowe
Dr. Flemmings Ngwira
This chapter investigates the concept of intentional insincerity in witnesses’ responses. In court, witnesses are called to support the story for the party that has brought them. Their major task is therefore to provide responses to questions as they are asked during the examination-in-chief, cross-examination, and/or in re-examination. The law in
Malawi empowers lawyers (especially cross-examiners) to ask questions that usually exert pressure, control, trap, and sometimes injure the characters of the witnesses (Kondowe, 2020). It would be interesting, therefore, to see how witnesses handle and respond to such modes of questioning and whether or not they cooperate. To achieve this, this chapter borrows significantly from Grice’s (1975) Cooperative Principle (CP). Our model, the ‘Principle of Believability’, has also been employed to complement the
CP. To some extent, the focus of this chapter is to assess and show how non-cooperation, as a form of insincerity, leads to low believability of witness testimony.
Year of Publication
Monwabisi K. Ralarala, Russell H. Kaschula, Georgina Heydon
Book Title
Language and the Law: Global Perspectives in Forensic Linguistics from Africa and Beyond
Page Number
Sun Press Imprint
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