Mr. Desmond Namangale

Mr. Desmond Namangale

BSc. Land (Estates) Management, MSc. International Project Management, PG. Cert Research Methods, PG.Cert. Property Development & Investment

School of Built Environment Land Economy & Quantity Surveying Department

Office Chichir, Block 3 Room 5

Research Interests
Property Valuation, Property Investment, Land Administration, Land Governance, Property Management, Property Taxation
Desmond Namanja Namangale, an academician, researcher and real estate professional is a lecturer and the current Head of Department in the department of Land Economy and Quantity Surveying at the Malawi University of Business and Applied Sciences (MUBAS), formerly University of Malawi-The Polytechnic. He holds a Master of Science degree in International Project Management from Glasgow Caledonian University (UK), a Bachelor of Science degree in Land (Estates) Management with special interests in Property Management and Property Valuation from Mzuzu University and postgraduate certificates in Research Methods and Research Writing and Publication from INASP and Property Development and Investment from University of Capetown, South Africa . Before joining the academia, he worked with the Malawi Civil Service Commission in The Ministry of Lands, Housing and Urban Development as a Valuation Officer and now he is pursuing an opportunity for a PhD in Land Administration. Currently, he is heading the team of valuation experts carrying out a Quinquennial Valuation Roll exercise for rating purposes for the Blantyre City Council in Malawi worth slightly over USD 867, 000.00 and Property Rates Database Cleaning Consultancy for Lilongwe City Council
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