Assoc. Prof. Bernard Thole

Assoc. Prof. Bernard Thole


Physics & Biochemical Sciences

15 publications

Working with Malawi University of Business and Applied Sciences since 2001. Currently an associate Professor in Applied Chemistry. Worked with the Malawi Bureau of Standards as a Standards Development Manager in the Chemicals & Textiles Division between 1996 to 2001.
Have supervised 4 PhD, 5 MPhil...

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Transforming cities: Securing food and clean waterways through a transdisciplinary phosphorus approach

Book Chapter
Published 2 years ago, 394 views
Dana Cordell
Assoc. Prof. Bernard Thole
As an essential input to crop growth via soil reserves or fertilizer, phosphorus underpins global food security. Without phosphorus, food could not be produced, yet phosphorus is mined from finite reserves, most of which are controlled by only a few countries. Fertilizer prices are likely to increase as finite reserves become critically scarce. Globally, a billion farmers and their families cannot access fertilizer markets and many rely on phosphorus-deficient soils that produce low crop yields. Moreover, mismanagement along the phosphorus supply chain from mine to field to fork has resulted in massive losses and waste, which largely ends up in waterways, causing nutrient pollution and algal blooms. The global phosphorus challenge is inherently complex; it is as much about international relations as farm soil fertility. It transcends disciplines, sectors, and scales - from geopolitics to ecology to nutrition. In this chapter, we describe and reflect upon a new project using a novel transdisciplinary approach to address this phosphorus challenge.
Year of Publication
Dena Fam, Jane Palmer, Chris Riedy, Cynthia Mitchell
Book Title
Transdisciplinary research and practice for sustainability outcomes
Page Number
139 -154
Routledge _Taylor and Francis Group
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