Dr. Patrick Albert Chikumba

Dr. Patrick Albert Chikumba


Computing & Information Technology

23 publications

Dr. Patrick Albert Chikumba is a senior lecturer and researcher in Information Systems implementation.

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Towards geodata maintenance: A case of DHIS2 GIS implementation in Malawi

Journal Article
Published 1 year ago, 362 views
Dr. Patrick Albert Chikumba
Gloria Chisakasa
Background: As noted in literature of geodata maintenance, the emphasis is on the geographic database update. However, geodata maintenance is beyond the geographic database update. Thus, this paper proposes administrative and technical actions for geodata maintenance in health in which GIS is becoming popular.

Methods: This case study was conducted in health management in Malawi. An interpretive qualitative research method was adopted. Data was collected through participant observation, as the principal method, which was supplemented by semi-structured interviews and artifact examination. Participant observation was done in one and half years during the deployment of DHIS2 GIS. Thematic analysis was employed as the data analysis approach.

Findings: This study has identified six necessary actions for geodata maintenance:(1) identify the need,(2) communicate the need,(3) assess the need,(4) edit the model,(5) acquire the geodata, and (6) edit the dataset. The first two actions are administrative and the last three actions are technical while the third one is both administrative and technical.

Conclusion: The geographic database update involves two actions: edit the model and edit the geodata. Other four actions are required for acquiring geodata to make a complete set of geodata maintenance operations. However, to have a sustainable geodata maintenance, there is a need to incorporate geodata maintenance into operations of health management information system in general and GIS implementation process in particular. The involvement of stakeholders at all levels is also essential.
Year of Publication
Journal Name
Journal of Health Informatics in Developing Countries
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