Mr. Horris Nangulama

Mr. Horris Nangulama



3 publications

Horris Kuchilunda Nangulama

After graduating from the Department of Civil Engineering at the University of Malawi, The Polytechnic in 2017, Horris K. Nangulama worked for almost a year (from January 2018 – September, 2018) as an infrastructural and quality assurance engineer at Central East Afri...

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Stage-by-stage control effect field analysis of steel material servo enhanced support system on lateral displacement and bending moment during deep basement excavation

Journal Article
Published 1 year ago, 449 views
Mr. Horris Nangulama
Mr. Horris Nangulama
This study enumerates the stage-by-stage usefulness of the addition of a servo system to the lateral
steel support system to improve the lateral load resistance of steel support members on an actual
deep excavation site. A field case is found in a project of Triumph Unit building block, where a
14.20 m basement is constructed near the existing high traffic highway and high-rise buildings. It
is therefore important to choose an appropriate excavation pit lateral support system to ensure
the safety during excavation. At the field site, the basement execution works are divided into 5
construction stages. The excavated pit wall displacement and bending moment caused by excavation process are controlled using the steel material servo combined load support at each
respective construction stage. The results from field work authenticate the steel servo enhanced
support system application on an actual basement construction site. With the application of steel
servo enhanced axial loading capacities, the excavated pit induced lateral displacement and
bending moment are effectively restrained within the project acceptable alert limits. Moreover,
the obtained field results correlate well with previous and current numerical literature data. This
study provides a unique chance to advance the steel material servo enhanced support system
application to actual deep basement projects with acceptable displacement and bending moment
control requirements
Year of Publication
Journal Name
Case Studies in Construction Materials
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