Mr. Fabiano Thulu

Mr. Fabiano Thulu


Physics & Biochemical Sciences

19 publications

I hold a Master’s Degree in Nuclear Science and Technology, with a
specialisation in Nuclear Engineering from Alexandria University (Egypt). I am the president of Malawi Young Generation in Nuclear.

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Source Apportionment of Air Quality Parameters and Noise Levels in the Industrial Zones of Blantyre City

Journal Article
Published 8 months ago, 593 views
constance utsale
Assoc. Prof. Chikumbutso Chiziwa Kaonga, Mr. Fabiano Thulu, Mrs. Upile Mawenda
he increase in industrial activities has raised concerns regarding air quality in urban
areas within Malawi. To assess the source apportionment of air quality parameters (AQPs) and noise
levels, concentrations of AQPs (CO, TSP, PM 2.5, PM10) and noise levels were monitored at 15 sites in
Makata, Limbe, Maselema, Chirimba, and Maone during dry and wet seasons, respectively. Active
mobile multi-gas monitors and a Dylos DC1100 PRO Laser Particle Counter (2018 model) were used
to monitor AQPs, while Integrated Sound Level Meters were used to measure noise levels. Monitoring and analysis were guided by the World Health Organization (WHO) and Malawi Standards
(MS). A Positive Matrix Factorization (PMF) model was used to determine source apportionment
of AQPs, and matrix trajectories analysed air mass movement. In the wet season, the average
concentration values of CO, TSP, PM10, and PM2.5 were 0.49 ± 0.65 mg/m3, 85.03 ± 62.18 µg/m3,
14.65 ± 8.13 µg/m3, and 11.52 ± 7.19 µg/m3, respectively. Dry season average concentration values
increased to 1.31 ± 0.81 mg/m3, 99.86± 30.06 µg/m3, 24.35 ± 9.53 µg/m3, and 18.28 ± 7.14 µg/m3.
Noise levels remained below public MS and WHO standards (85 dB). Positive correlations between
AQPs and noise levels were observed, strengthening from weak in the dry season to moderately
strong in the wet season. PMF analysis identified key factors influencing AQPs accumulation, emphasizing the need for periodic sampling to monitor seasonal pollution trends, considering potential
impacts on public health and environmental sustainability. Further studies should look at factors
affecting the dynamics of PMF in Blantyre City
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