Mr. Fabiano Thulu

Mr. Fabiano Thulu


Physics & Biochemical Sciences

19 publications

I hold a Master’s Degree in Nuclear Science and Technology, with a
specialisation in Nuclear Engineering from Alexandria University (Egypt). I am the president of Malawi Young Generation in Nuclear.

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Safety Analysis During Low-Pressure Case in VVER-1000 with ASYST

Book Chapter
Published 7 months ago, 310 views
Mr. Fabiano Thulu
Mrs. Upile Mawenda
This study evaluates the reactor degradation progression in VVER-1000 due to a low-pressure case as a result of loss of coolant accident (LOCA) and total station blackout (SBO). The simulation evaluation was carried out using the adaptive SYStem Thermal-hydraulics (ASYST) program. The low-pressure scenario was simulated by modelling 80 mm small break LOCA (SBLOCA) in the hot pressurizer leg during SBO. This double ended break size was selected to cause a significate faster depressurization during low-pressure simulation and a longer borated cold-water injection from the passive hydro accumulators (HAs). This enabled evaluating the times required to attain critical set points during the transient progression. The investigation looked into loss of coolant circulation, fuel and clad heating up, commencement of hydrogen generation, the activation of the passive safety system, changes in pressure, and primary circulation. Simulation results showed that the modelled break area was enough to allow primary loop depressurization of the reactor. The results revealed that the fuel damage decreases after the introduction of HAs. Actuation of HAs at their actuation set-points provided core cooling by injecting borated cold water into reactor core. These kinds of analyses assist in estimating the time available to perform operator safety actions. This in turn aids in emergency planning and severe accident management.
Year of Publication
Shams, A., Al-Athel, K., Tiselj, I., Pautz, A., Kwiatkowski, T
Book Title
Challenges and Recent Advancements in Nuclear Energy Systems
Page Number
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