Prof. Harold Wilson Tumwitike Mapoma

Prof. Harold Wilson Tumwitike Mapoma


Physics & Biochemical Sciences

28 publications

Besides teaching and consultancy, Prof. H.W.T. Mapoma has a great passion for research and skills gathering in Environmental Science and Sanitation. He has more than 10 years of teaching experience in environmental pollution and management, water resources management, hydrogeochemical studies, appli...

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Hydrogeochemical Characteristics of Groundwater at the Xikuangshan Antimony Mine in South China

Journal Article
Published 2 years ago, 604 views
Tananga Mathews Nyirenda
Jianwei Zhou, Lina Xie, Yi Li, Prof. Harold Wilson Tumwitike Mapoma
The hydrogeochemical influence of the Xikuangshan antimony mine on groundwater quality was investigated by analyzing groundwater from 24 springs in the area for major and trace elements. The samples had a pH of 7.6–8.5; total dissolved solids ranged from 125 to 607 mg/L. The groundwater was dominated by alkaline earths (Ca2+ + Mg2+) over the alkalies (Na+ + K+), and weak acids (HCO−3) over strong acids (SO2−4+Cl−). Calcite was generally supersaturated and gypsum was always undersaturated, while dolomite was undersaturated in 34 % of the samples. Iron was negatively correlated with Ca2+, Mg2+, and SO2−4, which is consistent with Fe removal during acid buffering. Scatter diagrams and correlation coefficients between the major ions indicate dissolution of carbonates and gypsum as major processes, which could promote calcite precipitation.
Year of Publication
Journal Name
Mine Water and the Environment
Page Numbers
86 – 93
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