Ms. Mindy Panulo

Ms. Mindy Panulo


Environmental Health

5 publications

Mindy Panulo is a Research Associate at WASHTED Centre at the Malawi University of Business and Applied Scieneces (MUBAS) and a PhD student with University of Strathclyde, Glasgow-UK. Mindy has experience in development, implementation and evaluation of Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH), food hy...

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Guardian Waiting Shelters in Malawi: an essential but neglected part of the health system

Published 2 days ago, 14 views
Ms. Mindy Panulo
Jennifer Lamb, Dr. Kondwani Chidziwisano, Tracy Morse
Guardian Waiting Shelters (GWS) in Malawi are an integral
component of the healthcare system, established to provide a safe and healthy environment for caregivers to reside in while they attend to their relatives admitted to
hospital. However, their current status is failing to meet these essential needs, and urgent review and support is needed.
Key findings & recommendations:
. GWS are integral to health care delivery in Malawi but are not effectively supported in current systems
. Water, Sanitation & Hygiene (WASH) and Infection & Prevention Control standards are inadequate at District GWS. These current conditions are a public health risk
to GWS users and the wider community.
. GWS must be formally recognised with a clear policy and an operational plan on who has overall responsibility, how they should be managed, and the functions they should perform coupled with a long-term business and financial plan.
Year of Publication
Place of Publication
Glasgow, UK
University of Strathclyde
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