Assoc. Prof. Bernard Thole

Assoc. Prof. Bernard Thole


Physics & Biochemical Sciences

15 publications

Working with Malawi University of Business and Applied Sciences since 2001. Currently an associate Professor in Applied Chemistry. Worked with the Malawi Bureau of Standards as a Standards Development Manager in the Chemicals & Textiles Division between 1996 to 2001.
Have supervised 4 PhD, 5 MPhil...

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Groundwater contamination with fluoride and potential fluoride removal technologies for East and Southern Africa

Book Chapter
Published 2 years ago, 482 views
Assoc. Prof. Bernard Thole
Assoc. Prof. Bernard Thole
This chapter aims at enhancing progress towards access to safe drinking water through consolidating knowledge in groundwater fluoride occurrence, effects of fluoride on human health, and technologies available for water defluoridation in East and Southern Africa. Specifically the chapter provides information on fluoride occurrence in Eastern and Southern Africa and respective health effects to guide choices and decisions in water supply and treatment at municipal, regional and national level; consolidates research findings in water fluoride and defluoridation science for scientists and non-scientists that will assist in choices of water defluoridation technologies at home or local community and; exemplifies research in special water treatment technologies through water defluoridation science for students in water resource sciences.
Year of Publication
Imran Ahman Dar and Mithas Ahman Dar
Book Title
Perspectives in water pollution
Page Number
65 - 95
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