Mr. Chifundo Tenthani

Mr. Chifundo Tenthani


Physics & Biochemical Sciences

12 publications

Chifundo Tenthani is a Renewable Energy scientist with a MSc. in Renewable Energy from Makerere University. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science and Technology (Environmental Physics) from the University of Malawi.
Chifundo is a member of the team that won the DAAD In-Country/In-...

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Direct mode-solar sludge drier

Conference Proceeding
Published 2 years ago, 361 views
Joseph Magoya
Mr. Chifundo Tenthani
Year of Publication
Proceedings Title
Fecal Sludge Management Seminar
Page Numbers
Conference Dates
29-31 October 2012
Conference Place
Durban, South Africa
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“Academic success depends on research and publications.”
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