Deformation Control Monitoring of Basement Excavation at Field Construction Site: A Case of Hydraulic Servo Steel Enhancement Geotechnology
Journal Article
Published 1 year ago, 406 views
Mr. Horris Nangulama
Mr. Horris Nangulama
This study presents two field cases of deep excavation using the hydraulic servo geotechnology as an enhancement to the lateral
support. The first excavation process was preceded with numerical simulation to investigate the deformation of excavation pit with and without servo geotechnology. Optimised axial loading capacities from the numerical simulation were adopted at the actual excavation site. On the second excavation site, servo geotechnology was applied directly on the excavation process during actual construction without prior numerical simulation. The results showed that the servo steel support geotechnology restrained above 70% of lateral displacements of the excavated walls, and ground surface influence zone settlements were kept within the acceptable
warning limits. Prior application of the numerical simulation before field excavation optimised axial loads and kept the deformation caused by excavation within project limits. The numerical simulation of servo geotechnology deformation control capacity for deep excavation projects is validated, and this study provides a practical and significant reference on similar projects.