Assoc. Prof. Bernard Thole

Assoc. Prof. Bernard Thole


Physics & Biochemical Sciences

15 publications

Working with Malawi University of Business and Applied Sciences since 2001. Currently an associate Professor in Applied Chemistry. Worked with the Malawi Bureau of Standards as a Standards Development Manager in the Chemicals & Textiles Division between 1996 to 2001.
Have supervised 4 PhD, 5 MPhil...

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Defluoridation kinetics of 200 oC calcined bauxite, gypsum, and magnesite and breakthrough characteristics of their composite

Journal Article
Published 2 years ago, 401 views
Assoc. Prof. Bernard Thole
Assoc. Prof. Bernard Thole
Reaction kinetics and breakthrough characteristics in water defluoridation were studied through experiments with 200 °C-calcined bauxite, gypsum and magnesite and their composite filter. The aim was to determine defluoridation potential of a composite filter of the three locally sourced natural materials in contribution towards fluorosis mitigation. The materials were crushed and sieved to particle sizes of 1.2–1.4 mm diameter, and then heat-treated at 200 °C for 2 h. Their defluoridation capacities and reaction kinetics were determined in batch. A composite was then prepared in the ratio of the loading capacities. Breakthrough characteristics were experimented on in fixed bed through bed depth service time (BDST) design model, empty bed residence time (EBRT) optimisation model and the two parameter-logistics (2-PL) model. Mean loading capacities of 5.6, 3.4 and 1.7 mg F−/g were obtained for bauxite, gypsum and magnesite, respectively. Loading capacities decreased, while sorption percentages increased, with increase in dose level. Second order kinetics observed had rate constants 4.07 × 10−2, 1.87 × 10−2, 1.59 × 10−2 g mg−1 min−1 for bauxite, gypsum and magnesite, respectively. Composites, bauxite and gypsum decreased, while magnesite increased water pH. Time at 50% breakthrough (τ) obtained experimentally compared well with τ obtained through the two-parameter logistics model indicating good fitness of data to the model. Greater doses obtained higher breakthrough times that were, 120, 210, 255 and 360 min for 45, 75, 120 and 150 g, respectively. Critical bed depth (Zo), 7.71 cm and an operating line, ℏ = 4 × 10−4δ − 0.0757δ + 4.86 (ℏ = adsorbent exhaustion rate, δ = EBRT) were obtained. The water quality was within recommended quality limits for pH, apparent colour, hardness, and residual concentrations of SO42−, Cl−, Fe2+, and Al3+ in fixed bed. The research showed that a composite filter of the three materials, prepared in the ratio of their loading capacities and calcined at 200 °C, is a potential defluoridating filter in fixed bed configuration.
Year of Publication
Journal Name
Journal of Fluorine Chemistry
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