Dr. Patrick Albert Chikumba

Dr. Patrick Albert Chikumba


Computing & Information Technology

23 publications

Dr. Patrick Albert Chikumba is a senior lecturer and researcher in Information Systems implementation.

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Consumer Adoption of Mobile Payment Systems in Malawi: Case of Airtel Malawi ZAP in Blantyre City

Conference Proceeding
Published 1 year ago, 435 views
Menard Nyirenda
Dr. Patrick Albert Chikumba
Mobile payment enables consumers to purchase goods and services as well as transfer money using a mobile phone. This qualitative study aimed at investigating the factors that are affecting consumers in using mobile payment in Malawi using Zap [mobile payment system] as an example. Snowball sampling technique was used to identify study participants in Blantyre District. Inductive and deductive qualitative data analyses were carried out based on the transcriptions of interviews. Study findings show that relative advantage, complexity, compatibility, cost, trust and security, network externalities and situational factors affect use of mobile payment systems. In addition, personal characteristics and use of mass media play a role in the adoption of mobile payment systems. The findings reinforce the existing theory of Diffusion of Innovation and adoption of mobile payment systems. The study recommends improvement in the network stability, extension of the service to banks and utility service providers, and recruitment of more mobile payment agents across the country.
Year of Publication
Proceedings Title
e-Infrastructure and e-Services for Developing Countries: 5th International Conference, AFRICOMM 2013
Page Numbers
Conference Dates
November 25-27, 2013
Conference Place
Blantyre, Malawi
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