Assoc. Prof. Moses V. M. Chamba

Assoc. Prof. Moses V. M. Chamba


Physics & Biochemical Sciences

25 publications

Dr Moses V.M. Chamba is an Associate Professor of Food Technology in the Department of Physics and Biochemical Sciences at the Malawi University of Business and Applied Sciences (MUBAS). He also worked as an Acting Director of Quality Assurance at the same institution. He received his PhD in Food Nu...

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Comparative sensory evaluation of soy protein isolates extracted from full-fat and defatted flours using natural and conventional synthetic extraction chemicals.

Journal Article
Published 10 months ago, 308 views
Assoc. Prof. Moses V. M. Chamba
Assoc. Prof. Moses V. M. Chamba
As consumer interest in natural food, in which no synthetic chemicals are used, is increasing, a traditional soy protein isolate (SPI) was prepared from full-fat flour, using amaranth (Amarathus tricolor L.) ash and lemon (Citrus limon) extracts as alternatives to NaOH and HCl, respectively.
SpectrumTM descriptive analysis revealed some distinctive characteristics of the traditional SPI compared to those of conventional and commercial SPIs. Principal component analysis (PCA) results accounted for 90.11% of the samples variability on a two dimensional component space based on the attribute eigenvector loadings of ≥ 0.3, and associated the traditional SPI with opacity, pasta, sweet, sour, and bitter (principal component 1, 55.14%), but not color, cardboard, cereal, brothy, ashy, astringent, salty, and viscosity, which were also characteristic to the conventional and commercial SPIs (principal component 2, 36.53%). That’s the traditional SPI had comparatively no unique characteristic that would affect its application in food systems.
Year of Publication
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International Food Research Journal
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